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Improving Rail Safety And Functionality for Everyone

Improving Rail Safety And Functionality for Everyone


Improving Rail Safety And Functionality for Everyone


Achieving Rail S.A.F.E. (Safety And Functionality for Everyone) involves the right policies, projects, and programs. It starts with a municipality’s commitment to end fatalities and serious injuries on railroad tracks. Rail S.A.F.E. is a comprehensive approach involving engineering improvements, public education campaigns, targeted enforcement efforts, and partnerships with railroads and community groups. With determined leadership and a steadfast commitment to proactive policies, projects, and programs, the goal of zero rail fatalities and injuries can be achieved.

Rail S.A.F.E. Policy

A Rail S.A.F.E. Policy provides a vision and goal for municipalities to enhance rail safety and work towards zero rail-related deaths. By adopting this policy, local governments can take a bold step toward improving rail safety for vehicles and pedestrians alike. With rail incidents being both tragic and preventable, it is imperative that municipalities make the Rail S.A.F.E. Policy a priority to protect their residents and end these needless fatalities. Download a sample policy here.


Cities and communities working together to create safer streets.


Make the Rail SAFE pledge today to help create a community committed to zero rail fatalities. By taking the pledge, you vow to always practice safe behavior when near railroad tracks and crossings. This means never trespassing on rail property, obeying all crossing signals and gates, and staying alert and free of distractions when crossing the tracks. One lapse in judgment can lead to tragic consequences. But together, we can get to zero rail deaths and injuries if we all do our part. Visit [link to pledge] to officially take the Rail SAFE pledge. Spread the word and ask your friends, family, and neighbors to join this crucial rail safety initiative. Our community’s future depends on each and every one of us prioritizing rail safety.

Rail S.A.F.E. Cities

Cities that adopt the Rail S.A.F.E. policy and pledge to achieve zero fatalities on their rail corridors deserve tremendous recognition. By making this commitment, these forward-thinking municipalities are taking a stand that even one life lost on the rails is too many. Rail S.A.F.E. cities understand that trespassing and crossing incidents are preventable through a comprehensive approach of engineering, education, enforcement, and community engagement. Their dedication will undoubtedly save lives. Rail S.A.F.E. city leaders should be applauded for prioritizing the safety of residents, commuters and visitors alike. Their efforts to foster a culture of rail safety create more reliable transportation networks and livable communities for all.

Rail S.A.F.E. Toolkit

Is your community striving for zero rail fatalities and serious injuries? Download the free Rail S.A.F.E. toolkit today to access the resources you need to get started. This comprehensive toolkit contains a model Rail S.A.F.E. policy that your municipality can adopt to codify its commitment to rail safety through engineering, education, enforcement, and community planning. Don’t reinvent the wheel – tap into best practices from communities already implementing the Rail S.A.F.E. approach.


Frequently Asked Questions

Want to learn more about Rail S.A.F.E.? Read our frequently asked questions to learn more about our work eliminating traffic fatalities on railways.

Rail S.A.F.E. (Safety And Functionality for Everyone) is a comprehensive policy and initiative designed to save lives on railways nationwide. Rail S.A.F.E. was established with the philosophy that no loss of life on railroad tracks is acceptable and that deaths and serious injuries on railroad tracks are preventable. The Rail S.A.F.E. policy is a formal commitment by elected officials and communities to reduce and eliminate fatalities and serious injuries on train tracks. The policy is the cornerstone of the Rail S.A.F.E. strategy, which involves policies, programs, and projects to eliminate deaths and serious injuries resulting from deadly collision and trespass incidents on railways, creating more functional, reliable railways.

The Rail S.A.F.E. team includes traffic and transportation engineers, safety advocates, and policy experts. We work with local governments to create safer, more connected communities through engineering, education, enforcement, and engagement with partners at the federal, state, and local levels to achieve zero fatalities on railroad tracks, while enhancing the functionality and operations of railways and transportation networks.
The first step involves a formal commitment by your local government to adopt the Rail S.A.F.E. policy, which is followed by the development and implementation of a Rail S.A.F.E. Action Plan. If you would like more information, email
Rail safety is a concern that extends beyond city limits. All levels of government and government agencies can and should commit to rail safety. Ensuring safety on railroad tracks involves is a collaborative effort involving comprehensive rail safety policies adopted at the city, county, and state levels. This coordinated, multi-level approach will ultimately create a robust and resilient rail transportation system that prioritizes public safety, while facilitating the efficient movement of goods and people.
Encourage leaders in your community to adopt the Rail S.A.F.E. policy. The Rail S.A.F.E. policy template is available for download free of charge on this website. The policy template can be used as a model for adoption by elected officials in local communities. Tell them to adopt the policy and, then, develop a Rail S.A.F.E. Action Plan. Our team is available to assist communities with the development of your Rail S.A.F.E. Action Plan.
Updates are posted to the Rail S.A.F.E. website. Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.
Email or dial (813)-380-6574.


Bicycling supports safer streets, connected communities, a healthier planet, and healthier people. So, let’s celebrate! Many municipalities in Palm Beach County will observe Florida Bicycle Month in March 2025. The observance celebrates bicycling as a popular form of recreation and transportation choice. It also encourages the safe use of bicycles as non-motorized transportation! Join us! Everyone is encouraged to get out and ride a bike!.



With data, expertise, and collaboration, we are creating safer cities in Florida.

Phone: (813) 380-6574 Email: Web:


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